Ep 005 - 1000s of MBEs, PT Drills, One App & believing in the method.
This episode is the first episode I had to run solo!
Brandon was busy this week doing a motion to suppress for one of his clients, and I still had so many questions that came in this past week after the Thanksgiving Holiday.
So, I addressed them the best I could.
Started out with doing 1000s of MBEs and still failing the exam, and how that’s even possible.
Then I answered a question about the PT Drill section in the Bar Exam Drills iOS App.
Next, was a question from a user that wanted to know if BED was the only app needed for the California Bar Exam. Short answer - Yes, only app needed.
The last part of the episode is where I address believing in whatever study system that YOU decide to use, to trust it and go with it.